viernes, 17 de junio de 2016

8 tips to have a good flight

1. Get info about your route, such as: hours of flight, airports, connections, etc.

2. Check your travel guide and plan your accommodation

3. Read a book

4. Walk on the plane and drink water

5. If you are afraid, try to meditate

6. Check the food choices in your plane and think in bring a snack

7. If the plane has a display, enjoy a movie or game

8. Dress according to the temperature on arrival (but bring a sweater for the flight)

Have a great flight, in Mimosa Tree Residence in Playa del Carmen we are waiting for you

lunes, 6 de junio de 2016

Las mejores playas de la Riviera Maya

Sian KaAn 


 Playa Norte, Isla Mujeres



Playa Paraíso, Tulúm

Visita la Riviera Maya con nuestros super descuentos de hospedaje en Playa del Carmen, descúbrelos en nuestro sitio web: